Retirement of 62 RAR Officers

Comdt Noel Kelly (BC No. 1 Bty) and Comdt Ger Gibson (Regimental 2 I/C) are set to retire before the year end. To mark their last Training Exercise, they both fired their last rounds, and were presented with mementos on Cemetry Hill following completion of live firing exercises. Members of the ‘Superimposed Battery’ including Comdt. Oliver Murphy (Rtd), Comdt. John Miley (Rtd) and Capt. Tony Burke (Rtd) were in attendance.

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ATEx 2011 – Short Report

All sub units mobilised on Friday evening and took over Coolmoney camp on Friday night. No. 1  Battery, 4 RUAG 120mm Mortars, 1 * deliberate deployment in Stranaheley field followed by 2 quick actions inside the gate at Knickeen fjord and at Leitrim forward. 2 & 3 Battery formed 6 tube battery, deliberate deployment at Leitrim forward, hide position at Ogham Stone, followed by 2 quick actions – one in Stranaheely field and one at Leitrim Forward. FOO and Anchor OP located in Stranaheely forest. The Regiment reported to Cemetry Hill following live firing EX for ceremony and presentation to retiring members. (more details on this later). Recruit training continued through their tactical phase.

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Brigade Assessments 2010

Each of the Reserve Artillery Regiments contributed a FOO team to the Bde Assesments this year. 62 RAR provided an FDC. 31 RAR provided a BC up to 22oo Hrs on saturday when the position was then filled from 62 RAR. While not part of the actual Assesment itself, (the FOO’s were there to allow an assesment of the use of Arty) – it gave the three Regiments an opportunity to work together and exercise in basic FDC processes.

Each of the FOO teams joined their company commanders immediately before moving out of the harbour area to start the EX. All calls for fire were fed through the FDC which was co-located with the Batallion main HQ. On Day 1 the notional resources were 1 * Bty 105mm and 1 * Bty 120mm Heavy Mortars. Calls for fire came in as point platoons were hit up and the Company Commanders requested arty support. A Bty Command Post Ex was also set up and latest version of the Fire Control System put through its paces.

The second day, 2 * Bty of 105 mm were included. Haboured in the AO that night, FOO’s planned defensive fires for their company positions and were mobile next morning at first light as the Companies cleared their respective areas of the remaining pockets of resistance. A fire plan was developed in support, with modification by call sign 11 who was with A company. Bn Tac went mobile with the BC in tow as the ‘battle’ developed.

Comdt. Richie Armstrong appointed BC 2 Bty

Comdt. Armstrong returns to the Regiment following a stint at Brigade Head Quarters. He takes over command of 2 Battery following Comdt. Gibsons appointment as Regimental 2 I/C.

ATEx 2009 – Short Report

All Bty’s were on 36 hr ex. One of the batteries came in off the ground at 2400 hrs due to ‘inclement’ weather, and are now known as the ‘wet battery’. Not saying which battery it was, but they were using mortar boards to plug holes in their tents.  Other highlights were visits by COS and GOC, and return visit by GOC to view the shoot. All OP’s deployed across the front of Cemetry Hill with FDC to the rear. Last 25 Pdr round was fired by 2 Bty. This, technically is the last 25 Pdr round fired by a Reserve Regiment. Fentons was visited.

The business end: 

  • HQ bty conducted regimental survey, deployed a fully operational FDC, and co-ordinated a multi battery Fire Plan (no 2 and no 3 Bty’s).
  • 1 Bty – formal 25 Pdr deployment followed by quick actions in the area of the Island.
  • 2 Bty – Formal 25 Pdr deployment in Stranaheely field, 2 IN shoots, 1 Laser Point mission, 1 * 3 target quick fire plan with an impromptu, 1 IN in support of Cav Fire Power demo (new 30mm MOWAG cannon), participation in FDC controlled 2 Tgt Fire Plan, Impromptu target engaged by Bty FOO.
  • 3 Bty, 120mm RUAG Mortar formal deployment behind Camara, with series of IN shoots, point det and airburst, participation in FDC controlled fire plan.


Last 25 Pdr Shoot

2 Regiment provided the setting for the last 25pdr shoot. Having fired the weapons in the morning as part of their live firing exercise, they vacated the gun position to allow new crews man the guns. Gun position was forward of Keoghs house. A 6 gun battery was formed with a crew from each of the 3 Permanent and 3 Reserve regiments. 62 RAR gun crew was commanded by BS Paddy O’Shea. The target for an 8 round expend ammo final fire for effect was the Octagonal field on a bearing of approx 1600, elevation of approx. 260 with a 200m sheaf pattern. Last round was ceremoniously fired by a gun crew comprising D Arty, OC Arty School, and RSM Arty School. Food for the troops on the ground was as per tradition – Chicken Curry!

Thanks to John and Ger Gibson for the photos.

Also check out for an interesting ‘Last 25 Pounder Round’ story from the Kiwi Gunners.

Other links of interest:–explode-in-murderous-rage-1849916.html


MCVI Show Curragh 2009

Jim Smith from the Military Vehicle Club of Ireland has invited us again this year to take part in their annual show at the Curragh Racecourse. Last years show resulted in 35 recruitment leads (15 passed to other Brigade units) and an interview on Kildare FM so its a no brainer to attend this year once we get clearance. As always its free entry to OAP’s and ex and serving members of DF. If last years format is followed, along with the Club’s many and varied vehicles, expect Aer Corps, Mowag, EOD etc. as well. Dates are 9th and 10th May. Photographs of last years show available here: