Update on last 25 Pdr. Shoot from the Garrison group

The guys from the Garrison group were there on the day (and at the night shoot the previous night).  Good report on the last shoot and some photograhs.


Some pics from Normandy with Canadian Gunners


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Look for the photo of the lads with Lt. Gareth Webb, who was the GPO with the 25 Pdr. Battery in Normandy that deployed our Gun!

Last 25 Pdr Shoot

2 Regiment provided the setting for the last 25pdr shoot. Having fired the weapons in the morning as part of their live firing exercise, they vacated the gun position to allow new crews man the guns. Gun position was forward of Keoghs house. A 6 gun battery was formed with a crew from each of the 3 Permanent and 3 Reserve regiments. 62 RAR gun crew was commanded by BS Paddy O’Shea. The target for an 8 round expend ammo final fire for effect was the Octagonal field on a bearing of approx 1600, elevation of approx. 260 with a 200m sheaf pattern. Last round was ceremoniously fired by a gun crew comprising D Arty, OC Arty School, and RSM Arty School. Food for the troops on the ground was as per tradition – Chicken Curry!

Thanks to John and Ger Gibson for the photos.

Also check out  http://www.riv.co.nz/rnza/tales/last25.htm for an interesting ‘Last 25 Pounder Round’ story from the Kiwi Gunners.

Other links of interest:




